Just a section where the webmistress can post news from both the band and the fanz. Just the latest will be posted here, any "archives" will be found in the "listbot" mailing list... |
Yes boys and ghouls, it has been a long three years... And they are baaack!!! August 22nd at the New City Suburbs in Deadmonton. Just waiting for pics to be emailed to me, and I'll post 'em as soon as I get 'em! If anyone else has any content they would like to send me, please feel free! Email the webmistress.
The boys have decided to surprise us and come out to play! They will be appearing dead and in person at The Night Gallery in Calgary - Friday, July 14!! So let's show how much we love 'em and get as many people out as we can!
The Forbidden Dimension is on again! Jackson assures us that this time there'll be no cancellin'!! The location is still to be disclosed, but it is indeed a solid booking for Friday, October 29 in Calgary... Keep checkin' back for more details...
Jackson and Mrs. Jackson have spawned again!! Congratulations to the happy Ma and Pa... It's a boy!
Our friends Stefan and Eric at Reanimator Records have released a tribute 7" to "New Math"... This includes 5 different bands doing covers of New Math tunes - one of which is Jackson Phibes "They Walk Among You" and Big Tony from Mazinga does "American Survival"... Your webmistress is movin' house right now, so there should be a scan of the cover up in the next errrr... few days or so!!
The latest on the Pre Halloween FD gig is that it has been cancelled... There was a booking problem with the Night Gallery - so you can direct all your complaints toward them!! The English Teeth however, are still playing and our "Jackson" is still "Harry Gumms"! Go give 'em a listen!
The Forbidden Dimension Pre-Halloween show has been moved to October 30, 1999 at a currently unspecified locattion. Please see the gigs section for updates on location...
On the FD front, looks like there is going to be a CD re-issue of some of the older tunes by Reanimator of course... I'll keep you posted as that project develops... And the juiciest bit so far this year - The Forbidden Dimension rocks again for a Pre-Halloween show at "The Night Gallery" in Calgary... See the gigs section for further details...
All Album wish list items are now in the "Coffin of Desires" listed in the links at the bottom of the page.
For those fans who don't subscribe to the mailing list... Jackson has found himself a partner in crime and plans to belt out some more tunes for us... I will keep you updated as I get more information.
Another rotation on the jukebox and always new pics in the scrapbook - mainly of "The English Teeth" (which is another very fun band!) give them a peek...
Straight from the hairy fingers of Jackson Phibes...
"I'm due to record a solo tune for a forthcoming New Math tribute 45 (talk about obscure, no? New Math later became the Jet Black Berries... I think their biggest claim to fame was having a tune on the original Return of the Living Dead soundtrack back in '85) within the next week or so. There's also talk about doing a cd mini album of Teef stuff this summer, but nothing's official. I've still got an album's worth of FD/Phibes-style garage-muck to demo up... now all I need is TIME!!!"
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